Fall Carnival Raffle
Donate by 10/28The earlier the better!

Donate to Your Raffle Basket!
Each grade level will have one raffle basket. Please stick to the assigned theme. Donation items should be brought to school no later than Friday, October 21, and given to your student’s teacher. Raffle tickets will be for sale before and after school the week of October 24. Raffle winners will be drawn on at the Carnival on October 29. You do not need to be present to win.
Grade Level Themes

TK & Kindergarten → Cooking/Baking with kids |
1st grade → Disney |
2nd grade → LEGO |
3rd gade → Family Game Night |
4th grade → Outdoor Fun |
5th grade → Family Movie Night |
6th grade → Gift Cards Tree |
Buy Raffle Tickets and Win Awesome Goodies!
Look for the PTA table by the front gate before and after school Monday, October 24 through Friday, October 28 to buy raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the amazing classroom baskets and other great items! You can also purchase tickets and see the baskets at the Fall Carnival. You do not need to be present to win–we will contact all winners.
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